Ni Hao!
I arrived in Beijing around 3pm Monday after starting my journey sunday at 8:30am..needless to say it was a long trip, but surprisingly enough it did not seem that long! I did have to endure a miley cyrus movie and some horrible airline food (including ramen noodles) but all and all it was quiet and safe.
I was met by a trainer who led me through the metro system and to my hotel. The next day i was up early and we caught a cab alll the way to the other side of Beijing for a medical check.. The cab ride cost 100 RMB which is around 15 dollars..very cheap. All the book and stories i read about the traffic and horrible driving are totally true. I was pretty sure i was going to die. There are 4 lanes going each way but Beijingers make it into 6 or 7 as theey drive straddling the lane divide lines to get to there destination faster..which they are not. the long cab ride did give me the opportunity to take some pics from the window of some buildings and get a glimpse of what I am getting myself into!
Every foreign vistor must go through a medical check which was quite interesting..they shuffle you around to 7-8 different rooms checking blood,vitals, eye sight etc..this would take forever in the states, but one thing ive learned already is that the Chinese are efficient!
After sigining some paperwork downtown i was taken to the center that i will be training at. I am training with 9 other people. 4 english trainers and 5 assistant trainers(bilingual and all from China) For the next few days we are learning the demo classes, lesson planning and presenting our version.. So it's pretty intense.. I have yet to try and local flavor..because luckily subway is only a few blocks away :)Hopefully i will get over the jet lag i have been up since 2am on only hours of sleep..happy day
People I saw peeing in public: 1
People randomly playing guitar/singing on the subway: 1
Old ladies flying kites: 1
Dr.Pepper's found: 0
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